Google to Include Twitter Updates in Search Results
According to the official Google blog and Google’s Vice President of Search Products, Marissa Mayer, Google plans on including real-time updates like those on Twitter in their search results. In fact, she specifically mentions that they have reached an agreement with Twitter to include their updates. From what I can tell so far, these search results will show up like the image, video and news results do now.
This is definitely going to create a huge movement for companies and Internet marketers to get on Twitter and start using it if they have not been already. However, just like having your own website does not mean you automatically get on the first page of Google, having your own Twitter page and posting updates does not mean this will automatically happen either. The same techniques used to get your site ranked organically will most likely need to be implemented, but I’ll bet the results will be much quicker. 🙂
Anxiously awaiting more information…